Lessons learned from the Save to Give Challenge Pilot Program

Feb 7, 2023
Save to Give Challenge participants


This was the question that the Save to Give Challenge 试点项目于2021年和2022年在威斯康星州的四个农村社区进行了探索:贝菲尔德县, the City of Lodi, the Village of Mount Horeb, and the City of New Richmond. The Save to Give Challenge, funded by Focus on Energy and implemented by CEE, gave each community the opportunity to raise up to $25,当居民采取节能行动,并将这些行动记录在网上时,当地慈善机构就会收到5万英镑的捐款. Easy actions like turning off unused lights and electronics, programming thermostats, 在持续两三个月的捐赠活动中,订购一盒免费的LED灯泡可以为每位参与者赢得超过100美元的捐款.

因为威斯康辛农村居民参与足球外围app哪个靠谱项目的比例低于城市居民, 试点的目标是确定行为策略,利用农村社区强烈的地方自豪感. To motivate energy saving, CEE与当地城市领导人和非营利组织合作,为每个社区量身定制项目设计,并召集居民为当地非营利组织捐款.

After two years, these are some of the lessons we learned.

Community pride is key to resident participation

Lodi, New Richmond, and Mount Horeb were all communities with a strong community identity, and their participation and donations reflected this. 每个社区有8%到17%的合格家庭参与, a high proportion compared to many other energy efficiency programs. 这些社区为当地非营利组织赚取的收入在9800美元到14300美元之间. Once residents heard about Save to Give from nonprofit leaders, their neighbors, or CEE staff at events, 他们参军的动力往往是对家乡的自豪感. "The 2022 Save to Give Challenge tested our Mount Horeb neighbors, and they showed up for their community AND the future of our planet," said Destinee Udelhoven, executive director of the Mount Horeb Area Historical Society, which participated in Save to Give.

相比之下,贝菲尔德县广阔的地理区域使一个共同的社区身份变得复杂. This made it more challenging to inspire participation.

Good partners make the difference

对项目参与者调查的回应显示,在所有四个社区中, 参与的主要原因是有机会支持当地的非营利组织. 食品货架是有效的非营利组织合作伙伴,因为他们的知名度, reputation, and high level of support in the communities. In New Richmond, Mount Horeb, 和Lodi,当地的食品货架上有最多的Save to Give参与者注册支持他们. 为学校和青少年项目服务的非营利组织也获得了很高的支持.

In addition to the benefiting nonprofits, libraries, schools, 商会是传播该计划意识的高效且值得信赖的合作伙伴, thanks to their wide audiences and reputations as places for learning, information, and hosting local events. 这些社区联系使中东欧的工作人员有机会与不同地方的居民接触, such as classrooms, football games, libraries, breweries, and city council meetings, among others.

In-person outreach is effective

Nonprofit leaders, City and utility staff, 中东欧工作人员在试点的两个阶段进行了数百小时的社区参与. 事实证明,值得信赖的信使领导人的参与至关重要. Rachel Sauvola, 谁是新里士满高中的农业老师,也是学区SOAR中心学生农场的创始人, a participating nonprofit, said, “Doing tabling events with Matthew and Brady [CEE staff], Jean and Teresa [other local nonprofit directors], 我的学生让我们所有人都能与支持我们的人互动,他们很高兴能以这样一种简单的方式为他们喜欢的事业筹集资金.”

In 2022 alone, 中东欧员工参加了67个社区活动,18个晚上挨家挨户敲门, 亲自与340名参与者签约,并在社区中建立了“拯救给予”的强大形象. 相比之下,由于2019冠状病毒病大流行,2021年的外展活动主要是虚拟的. 中东欧的工作人员和当地合作伙伴成功地在54场主要是虚拟的网络研讨会和活动中推广了Save to Give, 但总体结果的影响较小,洛迪在2021年有138名参与者,而新里士满在2022年有394名参与者, as an example. 这个自然实验提供了证据,特别是在农村社区, an in-person presence was critical to build awareness, trust, and participation.


The fun, Save to Give挑战以社区为中心的性质导致居民与当地公用事业之间的积极互动. In all four pilot communities, 60%到80%的参与者报告说,参加Save to Give活动后,他们对当地电力公司的看法比以前更有利了. 调查结果还显示,在Save to Give的参与者中,“关注能源”的意识显著提高, 他们中的许多人以前都没有听说过这个全州范围的足球外围app哪个靠谱资源提供商. 除了意识之外,Save to Give还推动了其他关注能源项目的参与. 例如,在新里士满和何烈山,超过35%的活跃参与者点了一份 free energy-saving pack from Focus on Energy after signing up for the Save to Give Challenge.

最后,对试点第一年的评估显示,参与者节省了2美元.2% and 2.洛迪市和贝菲尔德县的用电量分别减少了7%. Given the relatively small number of participants, the savings are not deemed statistically significant. 试点第二年的结果将于2023年底公布.

In conclusion, the answer is yes!

We now know that the answer to the question, “如果为当地的非营利组织赢得捐款,你会在家里节省能源吗??” is yes for hundreds of rural Wisconsin community members. By conducting community-focused outreach in partnership with trusted, local leaders, Save to Give挑战利用了强烈的社区自豪感,激励参与者加入试点,在家里靠谱的外围竞猜app,以支持当地一家知名的非营利组织.

有关Save to Give Challenge试点结果的完整说明,请参见:

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